197 Acton Air Cadets - Typhoon Squadron


Important Notice: All Level 3 and Level 4 Cadets – April 2019

2020-01-29T21:28:57-05:00April 5th, 2019|Uncategorized|

April is a busy month especially for our level 3s and 4s, both levels have Performance Checks (PC) coming up and remember in order to pass your level and in some cases be promoted you must pass these tests:

Level 3

  • PC303 – All level 3’s
    Leadership (assignments) – You will have meetings with your assessors over the month to complete this process, remember to do your self-assessments. If you have questions speak to me Tuesday night. These must be completed and back to me NLT April 30th.
  • PC308 – All level 3’s
    Drill – You will be working with WO2 Pumphrey and FSgt Kulenthiran over the next couple of weeks to prepare for your PC on April 30th.
  • PC309 – Those Cadets that have not done it yet
    Instructional Techniques (Teaching) – Blackbird/Blackwood/Toth/Weil please be prepared to teach on April 16th.
  • PC 390 – All Level 3’s
    Air Crew Survival – We will do this one on the FTX May 25-26th

Level 4

  • PC403 – All Level 4’s
    Leadership (Appointments and Assignments) – You will meet with your assessors over the month to go over your 403 assessments and these will be handed in to me NLT May 7th.
  • PC408 – All Level 4’s
    Drill – I will be scheduling in time over the next few weeks to go over this Performance Check it seems that some parts were missed, I will advise all of you.
  • PC409 – Individual Cadets
    Instructional Techniques (Teaching) – Kolozsvari and Labonte you will have an opportunity to do your classes again on: April 16th.
  • PC 431/432/436/437 – All level 4’s
    Principles of Flight/Aero Engine Systems/Meteorology/Air Navigation – There will be a review night on April 16th and the PC will be written on April 30th.
  • PC 490 – All Level 4’s
    Air Crew Survival – We will do this one on our FTX May 25/26th.

Please mark these dates, prepare for the test and you must be at Cadets on these nights!

Good Luck to all our Cadets writing PC’s this month!!

Capt B Dobbs
Training Officer
197 Typhoon Squadron

Operation Lincoln was a Success!

2024-04-19T16:57:56-04:00April 1st, 2019|Uncategorized|

ACTON, Ont. -Some people might think that Cadets is strict and all about marching, but to the Cadets of 197 Typhoon Squadron, many experiences have occurred that the Cadets will remember for the rest of their lives. One of these being Operation Lincoln, a once in a lifetime trip to Washington D.C during March Break of 2019.

On March 10th, the Cadets arrived in Washington after a long, but rewarding bus ride. They got settled in and ate dinner at the Falls Church Clarion Inn, which would be their home for the next five days. After, they went to their rooms and fell asleep.  Sleep would be essential to enjoy the amazing activities that were planned over the next week.

Some highlights of the trip were visiting the Washington Monuments, War Memorials, Arlington Cemetery, Goddard Space Center, and the Smithsonian Center. The Cadets were able to pay their respects at the War Memorials and Arlington Cemetery by attending a ceremony for the Tomb of The Unknown Soldier. Also, while visiting the Smithsonian Center, they were able to take photos and bond together, while discovering what the museums had to offer. While they were at Goddard Space Center the Cadets took part in a guided tour. This introduced them to aerospace and aviation by learning about different satellites and how to test them.

Another pleasurable experience that the Cadets encountered was the Air and Space Museum. They were able to see airplanes that they had never before seen in real life. For example, a plane named the Blackbird, which can travel up to 3,529 km/h! Along with seeing the Blackbird, they also saw many different planes from the past and the present, including the Wright Flyer. Also, they had the chance to observe the space shuttle Discovery, which has flown a total of 39 missions in space.

Aside from the guided tours and museum visits, there were also some action-packed recreational activities. One of these being an NBA game where the Wizards beat the Orlando Magic 100-90. During the game, the Cadets made it onto the Jumbotron and won a couple of free pizzas. Bowling was another event where the Cadets could sit back and see their Officers in a much more relaxed setting. This was an amazing opportunity to create friendships among the Cadets and Officers.

Overall, Operation Lincoln was an experience that the Cadets will keep fresh in their minds forever. They had opportunities that they would not have had if they were not involved with Cadets. While some children stayed at home over the March break playing video games, 197 Typhoon Squadron made lasting memories thanks to the Officers, parents, and the staff who put in many hours of planning such a wonderful trip.

197 Squadron would also like to thank Branch 197 Royal Canadian Legion for their continued support and generosity toward 197 Squadron and this trip.

By: Flight Corporal Jackson Vallance – Submitted Photos

Operation Lincoln – Trip to Washington DC

2024-04-19T16:56:56-04:00March 15th, 2019|Uncategorized|

Our 197 Air Cadets took a 5 Day trip during March Break to Washington DC USA and will be visiting many interesting places including: National Monument, Arlington Cemetery, Capital Building, National Museums, Basketball Game (Wizards vs Magic), a behind the scenes tour of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center and much more.

2019 Bottle Drive

2024-04-19T16:55:20-04:00January 5th, 2019|Uncategorized|

The 197 Annual Bottle Drive was a great success!

Thank you so much to the people of the town of Acton for donating your empty bottles and cans again this year. The proceeds of our Bottle Drive go directly to supporting your local Air Cadet squadron and are used to help pay for items, such as cadet fees, bus fees to our events (such as gliding), class materials and so forth. It is through your generosity that we can continue to bring the Air Cadet program to the youth of Acton and Rockwood.

Our sincere “Thank You” and our gratitude to all the residents who donated! A big Thank You to the cadets and their parents for all their help, you make this event!

!! Once again we managed to fill the Beer Store to the rafters with empties !!

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