197 Acton Air Cadets - Typhoon Squadron


2024 March Break

2024-03-18T20:20:29-04:00December 17th, 2023|Uncategorized|

There will be no LHQ training night on Tuesday March 12 for the 197 Royal Canadian Air Cadets in Acton, Ontario.

LHQ training night will restart on Tuesday March 19, 2024 at the Acton Legion main hall.

For additional details, reach out via email at 197air@cadets.gc.ca or call (365) 355-7961.

197 Air Cadets Family Christmas Dinner

2024-03-03T21:53:10-05:00December 17th, 2023|Uncategorized|

The 197 Royal Canadian Air Cadets in Acton, Ontario along with their families will be holding their Family Christmas Dinner on December 19, 2023 at the Acton Legion main hall. This will be a peanut free event.

Food donations will be collected to support the Food Bank.

SSC Bottle Drive

2024-03-03T21:52:01-05:00December 17th, 2023|Uncategorized|

The Squadron Sponsoring Committee (SSC) will be hosting our annual Bottle Drive event on Saturday January 6 at the Acton Scout Hall (across from the library).

SSC members and parent volunteers will be on hand to accept all wine bottles, liquor bottles, beer bottles and beer cases from 10am to 4pm.

Cadet Officers and Cadet Parents, please share our Bottle Drive event with family and friends on social media.

Air Cadet – Spring and Summer 2020 Activities Cancellation

2024-04-12T23:03:04-04:00April 15th, 2020|Uncategorized|

TO: All 197 Squadron Cadets, Parents, Staff and SSC,

SPRING AND SUMMER 2020 ACTIVITIES CANCELLATION. Our CO has an update on the Air Cadet 2019-2020 season along with information on the 2020 Summer Training in regards to COVID-19. Unfortuently all cadet activities have been cancelled. Please read the official notice from our CO, by clicking on the following link which will bring up a PDF: 197-2020 Cancellation.pdf.

197 Typhoon Squadron COVID-19

197 Squadron COVID-19 Update

2024-04-12T23:05:08-04:00March 29th, 2020|Uncategorized|

29 March 2020

TO: All 197 Squadron Cadets, Parents, Staff and SSC

A. COVID-19 13 March – 197 Squadron COVID-19

1. Taking into account the current situation, all cadet activities that require in-person contact have been suspended until at least April 30 2020,
2. The situation will be reassessed before April 30 2020, and further direction will be issued at that time,
3. This decision has been taken as the safety and welfare of all who participate in our program is always our top priority,
4. Our Senior Cadet team has been reaching out to all squadron members on a regular basis, and this will be expanded in the upcoming weeks,
5. As we are now in an extended period of restrictions, the training department will be rolling out a series of web-based training exercises. Expect to hear from them very soon,
6. No decision has been taken at this point regarding summer training courses,
7. I thank Cadets, Parents, Staff and the SSC of 197 squadron for your understanding and support during this uncertain time, and will keep you updated of developments and resumption of the program as soon as this has been finalized,
8. Updates will also be posted to the 197 squadron website and Facebook page as they become available,
9. Keep safe!
10. Any questions can be forwarded to me at CO@197aircadets.ca.

Richard Dobbs
Commanding Officer
197 Squadron, Royal Canadian Air Cadets

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